Middle School Career Education - The Bridge Between Elementary School and High School

High school is a bridge, a threshold between primary and secondary schools, during the transition.

Need for Middle School Career Education
high school career education lays the foundation for future career development by helping students achieve the following goals:
    Knowing the personality traits, interests, abilities and skills an awareness and appreciation of diversity in the world of work understanding of the relationship between school performance and future elections Creating a positive attitude towards work (Career Development Programs 1998)
Without a secondary education school career, students can not build a foundation and the connection between high school academic subjects, career potential, the world of work, and post-secondary training. As a result, students are only poor terms, the poor have an intrinsic motivation, lack of awareness about themselves, and limited career choices.
Finally, some students who do not participate in career education drop out of school.

The benefits of secondary education school career
high school students who complete career education programs have the following positive results -
    Improved understanding of the world leads to an openness to the increased number of potential career Improved skills for decision making and complex career information, solving problems Improved academic, personal and team work skills development Increased career awareness, assertiveness, clearly defined goals, a sense of direction and motivation to endure and achieve post-secondary education and training
The National Career Development Guidelines - Career Education Model
Teachers and counselors use the National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) to create a middle school educational resources, career, career self-assessment tests and tools. Career knowledge, skills and decision-making processes used NCDG Guidelines.
NCDG Guidelines have three domains, targets and indicators under each skill goal in his career.
three areas are:
    Personal Social Development (PS) educational achievement and lifelong learning (ED) Career Management (CM)
teaching competence stages are:
    acquisition of knowledge (K). Secondary school students in the process of acquiring knowledge to expand awareness and knowledge to build understanding. They recall, recognize, describe, identify, explain, discuss, explain, summarize, search, investigate and compile new information about knowledge. The request (). Secondary school students at the request stage apply their knowledge to situations and self-government. They look for ways to use knowledge. For example, they demonstrate, employ, perform, illustrate and solve problems related to knowledge. Reflection (R). Middle school students to consider the phase of the analysis, synthesize, judge, assess and evaluate knowledge in accordance with their own objectives, values ​​and beliefs. They decide whether or not to integrate the acquired knowledge in their ongoing response to the situation and adjust their behavior accordingly.
An example of personal social development areas are:
    PS1.K2 identified your skills, strengths, skills and talents. PS1.A2 Demonstrated use their abilities, strengths, skills and talents. PS1.R2 evaluated the impact of their abilities, strengths, skills and talents to career development.
Key elements of secondary education
Based on the National Career Development Guidelines, the key elements of high school career education program to increase students' awareness of their interests and help them meet a wide range of zanimanja.Ključni elements of secondary education, including schools -
    career research resources - Tests, websites, books and software interest inventories Career portfolio Tours Biography Career days community partnerships
Career test
high school career tests provide information on the relationship between business interests, key characteristics, college majors, hobbies, abilities, and related careers. According to the survey, high school students used career tests for the identification of three major career activity interests, and three low-lying areas of interest. Avoiding low-interest areas is far more important than low-interest areas of reduced personal motivation.

Career Portfolio
As another key element, career portfolios, record on their way from school to post-secondary training and / or in the world of work. Career portfolios are a collection -
    vision, goals and dreams an important resource people and contacts Great research career goals learning activities, skills practice, field work, interviews, features, and work experience Personal, academic and social forces assessment of skills and personal development performance in key areas of career development junior high school courses like the most or least success in such courses Extra curricular activities such as sport, athletics, arts, computers, music, dance, literature, writing and speech, and action and success in such activities Three high-or low-interest activities and general career skills areas The three high-potential jobs
Community partnerships
In addition, career tests and portfolios, resources, key elements of the community served. Examples of community resources and partnerships -
    tours to colleges, universities, businesses and community agencies community resource speakers Career Services counselor, coach or counselor career awareness fairs special cooperation programs (Smith, 2000)
Community resources and partnerships provide opportunities for students to explore the world of work. Community events extend students' understanding of job duties, job skills, and the relevance of school subjects. Middle school career education programs provide students with an awesome opportunity to gain self-awareness, as well as to explore and understand the world of work. Career research resources, career portfolios, community partnerships and career days to create an invaluable experience.

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