What Could Happen on December 21st, 2012?

On the 21 December 2012 - The Mayan calendar ends. As the Earth, the Sun, the Milky Way and the galactic equator match on this day marks a new era or the end of the era for mankind.
1. Geomagnetic Reversal
Popular in recent Hollywood films, geomagnetic reversal could be triggered by solar flares, the Earth would self-destruct under the powerful energy force of over 100 nuclear bombs. No experts denied this could happen.
2. Nibiru collision
Some experts claim that in cosmology Planet X or Nibiru, could collide with our planet on a large alignment starts the magnetic force created by the final alignment.
3. "Alien" Invasion
Scientologists believe that on the day of settlement, the evil ruler of the planet Nibiru will descend from its forces, and enslave the country, after the country's battered and partially destroyed Meteoroids throws by magnetic force by a large settlement. This will mean a new dark age for our planet.
4. None
In addition to seeing a totally different night sky, some people say that nothing will happen, but our fears will end, and we experience looking at the beautiful night sky.
5. Black Hole alignment
One of the very real theory is that when a country does not align, the gravitational effects of the sun and the massive black hole at the center of our galaxy, SGR, would create havoc on our planet. This theory does not coincide with the theory of mass extinctions recorded in our history, and perhaps even the full force could destroy our planet.
6. of the affected countries Shower Meteoroids
Our planet due to the magnetic forces created by this large settlement could be hit by thousands of Meteoroids driven from the universe. This will be the same effect as thousands of missiles random attack, leaving the survivors left in a fallen and ruined world.
7. Great Enlightenment
Maybe we could discover the true origin of ourselves and our planet, and some religious people believe, "The angels will come back from heaven, and the presence of God Save the Earth after a major disaster, and bringing in. golden new era for all of us.
What happens in this great settlement, we can only guess that life after 21 December 2012, could be changed forever. As we enter the new cosmic age of Aquarius, and the Mayans believed, a new beginning.

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